DatabasesServices That keep serving

Why work with us?
We understand that investing in a new business system is not just about buying software, it is about entering into a business relationship that will last for many years.

Bespoke System Development

Choosing a custom-built software application from Tier Logic offers the following advantages over "off the shelf" packages:

By thoroughly analysing your requirements, we design solutions tailored exactly to your needs and the way your business operates offering competitive advantage; You own the application: the cost of development, upgrades and support is within your control; The software can grow and change as the needs of your business change; Technical support that understands your business and provides a solution specifically for you.

With the experience of our developers, we are able to build and deliver powerful systems based on the .NET Framework and the SQL database management system. We also offer services with the following technologies:

  • Microsoft Access
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Microsoft Visual Studio
  • Desktop Based Software
  • Web Based Software

General Uses of Databases

Databases are used in nearly everyday life. Ranging from a small database to help keep track of invoices, customers and employees to an e-commerce website, offering people things to buy and allowing retailers to show people what they have to offer to large auctions sites, social networking sites to name but a few. Whether you are a small outlet, a supermarket giant or a member of Facebook you can bet databases are being used.

Databases are not always used on the internet but they increasingly becoming common place as visitors of websites and users of software applications expect more from the applications than ever before with the increase of new technology. So what does a database look like?

What does a database look like? Well they come in many guises and can be used in many different ways. To give a picture of what a database might look like the image displayed is an image of a database schema from an e-commerce shop. Databases are made up of Primary Keys, Foreign Keys, Indexes, Relationships and many other elements to create a logical way to store and retrieve data that you need to keep with duplication kept to a minimum. What Database Do I Need?

If you have found the need for a database there are a few things that need to be considered before rushing out and having one developed or develop one yourself. Some of the things that we ask our customers to help determine what type of database they need are listed but by no means is the list comprehensive:

Why is the database needed?

  • Is the application going to be used by more than one person?
  • Will the data of the database be accessed internally and/or externally?
  • How many people do you think might want to use the application?
  • Do you have an exisiting system.(Data migration may be needed)?
  • Will the new system replace an old system(Integration may be needed)?

Depending on your requirements will depend of what type of database you will need. If you would like to discuss your requirements please contact us for a free no-obligation consultation.

How we use databases to help our customers?

We prodominately develop Microsoft products for example MS Excel, Access applications. We can cater for all versions of Microsoft Office from Office 97 through to 2013 for our online and enterprise level applications we tend to use MSSQL 2008 - 2014 databases, these databases are better to use for business critical applications as the Microsoft SQL server is transactional and does not suffer from the same performance issues as a Microsoft Access database might.

Internal applications have been written to help our customers. A holiday booking system for employees to request holiday automating the paper based system. Facility Management System with helpdesk functions for a local council, Warehouse picking systems, Logistic Scheduling and Production Planning, Preventative Maintenance for a large manufacturing company, QA Rejections System working with LEAN experts to provide the system in the best light.

Internal / External applications have been written in the forms of contact database for sales people allowing the office based administrators to add appointments to field sales calendars with the appropriate permissions to do so. By using smart mobile technology linking with email notifications.

Providing system integration with the company's back office system providing functions that the current system cannot handle or has not been designed to do. These additional functions for the company and fulfilling their requirements can help streamline manual processes and improve internal processes and efficiencies.

Proactive Monitoring

We can offer you proative monitoring on a variety of services that are cruicial to your business allowing us to react to problems before they become disruptive to the business.